Offerings and Preparation:
You do not need a shrine for this practice. But if it inspires you, then you can have a picture or statue of the Buddha in front of you. In that case, place it respectfully and arrange an offering of whatever you have there and then. The traditional offering substances include flowers, incense, and lamps. You can elaborate those if you wish, or you can offer whatever you want, or you can just imagine offering substances of various kinds.
If you wish, you can then do three prostrations. Then take your seat.
Look ahead, and have the firm conviction that you actually see the Buddha himself before you. You may see him standing with a begging bowl, or walking towards you, or sitting under the Bodhi tree, or in any other suitable pose. The Buddha may have a retinue of bodhisattvas, arhats, deities, as you wish.
Sadhana Liturgy:
Sadhana Structure / Outline:
1. “The Sutra of the Recollection of The Noble Three Jewels” – Reciting or chanting melodiously
2. Taking Refuge – Chanting
3. Bodhichitta – Singing
4. Invitation to the Buddhas and their Retinues, Requesting the Buddhas and their Retinues to Remain, Prostration with Short Mantra – Visualisation, Chanting, and Performing hand Mudras + video for Hand Mudras.
5. Offering Praises – Reading the liturgy text and visualizing
6. Seven Branch Prayer (Short) – Singing the prayer in arti form
7. Receiving Bodhisattva Vow – Putting right knee on the floor, sing the verses
8. Recitation Practice – Visualisation, Chanting, Mantra Recitation
9. Meditation – Prostration and Refuge, Visualisation
10. Dedication – Singing song in Hindi
11. Jaya Mangala Gatha – Listen to pre-recorded music track
12. Dolpopa’s Prayer – Read prayer
13. Additional Praises – We will occasionally add additional praises. You will be notified by email before the start of practice.