Download the Siddhartha Festival Sadhana here.
Download the Daily Sadhana:
The sadhanas above are horizontally formatted for easy viewing on a computer or tablet. The vertical/portrait layout is being formatted for printing and will be posted here as soon as it is ready! Please check back soon.
Join the Sadhana:
Add Triratna schedule to your calendar:
Dear Triratna Anusmṛti Sādhanā Practitioners,
Please notice we are changing our meeting times to every week, starting in February. Below we have listed a schedule of dates. Please join at whatever date and times work best for you!
The Triratna Team
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随念三宝成就法中文共修日期/Triratna Anusmṛti Sādhanā India/China/US, 隔周的周日,中原时间早上11点(印度时间早上8点半)/Every 2 weeks on Sun 8:30 AM IST,以下为目前已经安排的日期:
- 3月12日, 2023
- 3月26日, 2023
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85937361129?pwd=UDFNak05UzRHTFc0YzVnYTVQbzRFdz09会议号 ID: 859 3736 1129 密码: Shakyamuni